Invest in Bitcoin with the leading Social Investing Network

Join hundreds of thousands of traders who have already mastered the smarter strategies for investing in Bitcoin. Autocopy the trading strategies of the best-performing traders at NAGA.
What should you consider before you invest in Bitcoin?

Bitcoin was launched in 2009 and is, so far, the first and biggest cryptocurrency on Earth. It is the first wide-scale, real-world application of blockchain technology that became widely adopted. Blockchain is the technology that introduced a new way of transacting by removing the need for a third-party (such as banks); this new way is called decentralization. As such, Bitcoin (BTC) operates free of a governing body (e.g. financial institutions, central banks) and self-regulates itself requiring only consensus from its network.

Bitcoin The initial BTC value was extremely low, but it gained traction over the years reaching a market cap of hundreds of billions of USD. The Bitcoin value is subject to extreme volatility, having short-term price spikes and tumbles. Usually, when the Bitcoin price is on the rise, there is a strong movement from investors to support it, which is what is fueling its rapid price growth. Similarly, when the Bitcoin price is on the decline, it usually creates the fear effect with investors flocking away. All in all, Bitcoin is considered the king of all cryptocurrencies and it is still the most adopted and used crypto in the world.

Not sure if you should invest? Read the frequently asked questions about autocopy investing below
Not sure if you have enough experience to trade or invest in Bitcoin?
With Autocopy you can mirror the trading activity of any of the thousand traders already on NAGA! Just go on the leaderboard, sort it by Profits on Crypto and find the right leader trader for you and your quest to master the crypto world.
Try Autocopy
*Past performance is not an indication of future results
What is Autocopy?
NAGA Autocopy is an innovative feature that lets you automatically copy leading traders on the platform and gain from their experience.
Autocopy enables you to trade like an expert. Find the traders you want to copy from the leaderboard and simply hit Autocopy.
Autocopy a leading trader
*Past performance is not an indication of possible future performance

User feedback about NAGA Autocopy
11 hours ago
What I particularly appreciate about the NAGA platform, on which I have been registered since April 1st, 2020, is the first-class support. Each of the support members takes care of all questions about trading or technical issues.
NAGA is super transparent, technically very well positioned and equipped with first-class support so that you can feel like a trader here at any time.

I particularly like the SocialTrading, i.e. the possibility to be copied! I already recommend the platform to friends, relatives and work colleagues to benefit from it too 🙂
15 hours ago
NAGA is awesome! Not just because you’re given the opportunity to harvest money as a secondary income, but more because of the whole social media idea behind it. I found what works best for me. I really like using all the different tools to analyze charts but also the Autocopy most out of all the features that are given by the NAGA platform. Just make sure to use it in the right way! Must have! But always be aware of what you’re doing!
11 hours ago
My Experience with NAGA is great ! I like that the platform is simple to understand, similar to Facebook,for example. And also the Autocopy feature is very simple to use and works good here. I would say NAGA is a social network for anyone, as any financial trader can use it without the need to be a professional. NAGA is a great tool for both beginners and PROs.
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How does autocopy trading work?
It’s pretty simple. Choose the trader you’d like to Autocopy, input the amount of funds you’d like to allocate and click Autocopy. Congratulations - you just started mirroring the leading trader’s positions automatically and in real time! You can close any individual trades or pause autocopying any trader, any time you want.
*Past performance is not an indication of possible future performance

How to use autocopy with NAGA?

Find and choose a trader to copy
Check out the traders’ Leaderboard, search by profitability, ROI, number of Autocopiers and more. Find the one for you and simply press Autocopy.
Set the amount of your investment
Choose if you want to invest relative to the leader or a fixed amount per each of their trade.
Click Autocopy
Press the Autocopy button to start automatically copying a trader’s activity.

Best-performing traders at NAGA who trade Crypto

Copy top {Bitcoin/USD} traders
No trading experience — no problem! With NAGA Autocopy you can automatically copy all trades of the best-performing traders on NAGA. Just look at how much our top traders made this month!
*Past performance is not an indication of possible future performance

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Start Trading in 4 Steps

Sign up for a free NAGA account and start experiencing NAGA to the fullest with either a $10,000 demo account or a live account.
Complete your NAGA profile by sending us your Proof of Identity and Proof of Residence to get verified and unlock the entire NAGA experience.
Make a deposit via any funding method you prefer to start trading with real money on NAGA.
Open and close trades across 950+ assets or simply Autocopy top traders and let them do the rest.


We are glad to answer your questions to start autocopy trading today
What is the minimum amount needed to copy another trader?
It depends on the investment amount option you choose. If you choose “Relative to Leader” the minimum amount you can Autocopy is the minimum available position of an instrument. If you choose “Fixed Amount”, the minimum is equivalent to $50.
How does Autocopy work? How do I start Autocopying someone?
There are two ways you can Autocopy someone: Autocopy a Top Trader from the leaderboard - Go to Top traders where you’ll find a list of the top performing traders on the platform. You can compare key performance metrics straight from the leader board and also sort the list based on different factors such as Type of trader and Time Period. When you`re ready, just click the Autocopy button to start copying the trades of any trader you want.

Autocopy a user directly from their profile page - Go to any user`s profile page, by either placing their username in the search bar at the top of the page or by clicking on their profile directly from the Feed or Top Traders leaderboard. Their profile page will pop up where you can find in-depth information on their performance statistics and community activity. When you`re ready, simply click on the Autocopy button under the user`s profile information.
How long does it take for a copied trade to appear in My Trades?
If you are Autocopying a leader trader, all their future trades will appear in your trading activity. This happens in real time! Yes, in real time.
Can other traders at NAGA Autocopy me?
Yes! Every trader on NAGA can Autocopy and be Autocopied. To start increasing the number of your Autocopiers and, as a result, earning Copy bonuses, you will first need to show remarkable results through your performance. The better results you get, the higher in the Top Traders leaderboard you will rank and the more visible you will become. In addition, you can also start expanding your network by interacting with other traders on NAGA in order to get more followers and friends. This will give you greater chances to show others your trading strategy and skills as well as performance.
How much does Autocopy cost?
Autocopy is an innovative feature that is beneficial for both the Autocopier and the leader trader. Autocopiers benefit from the leaders’ trading and leaders earn commissions. The fees connected to Autocopy are:
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